लोकहितं मम करणीयम् | Lokahitam mama karaniyam Sanskrit song


manasa satatam smaraneeyam | मनसा सततं स्मरणीयम्

मनसा सततं स्मरणीयम्
वचसा सततं वदनीयम्
लोकहितं मम करणीयम् ॥1॥ ॥ लोकहितं ॥

न भोग भवने रमणीयम्
न च सुख शयने शयनीयम्
अहर्निशं जागरणीयम्
लोकहितं मम करणीयम् ॥2॥ ॥ मनसा ॥

न जातु दुःखम् गणनीयम्
न च निज सौख्यं मननीयम्
कार्य क्षेत्रे त्वरणीयम्
लोकहितं मम करणीयम् ॥3॥ ॥ मनसा ॥

दुःख सागरे तरणीयम्
कष्ट पर्वते चरणीयम्
विपत्ति विपिने भ्रमणीयम्
लोकहितं मम करणीयम् ॥4॥ ॥ मनसा ॥

गहनारण्ये घनान्धकारे
बन्धु जना ये स्थिता गह्वरे
तत्र मया सन्चरणीयम्
लोकहितं मम करणीयम् ॥5॥ ॥ मनसा ॥

डॉ . श्रीधर भास्कर वर्णेकर

Manasa satatam smaraniyam

manasa satatam smaraniyam
vacasa satatam vadaniyam
lokahitam mama karaṇiyam ||1||

na bhoga bhavane ramaniyam
na ca sukha sayane sayaniyam
aharniśam jagaraṇīyam
lokahitam mama karaṇiyam ||2||

na jatu duaḥkham gananiyam
na ca nija saukhyam mananiyam
karya kṣetre tvaraṇiyam
lokahitam mama karaṇiyam ||3||

duaḥkha sagare taraniyam
kaṣṭa parvate caraṇiyam
vipatti vipine bhramaṇiyam
lokahitam mama karaṇiyam ||4||

gahanaraṇye ghanandhakare
bandhu jana ye sthita gahvare
tatra maya sancaraniyam
lokahitam mama karaṇiyam ||5||

Dr. Shridhar Bhaskar Warnekar

manasa satatam smaraniyam English Translation

Let us always remember,
Let us repeatedly speak out:
Our duty is to do good to humanity.

Let us not focus on material pleasures
Nor lay in the lap of luxury;
Let us be awakened always that
Our duty is to do good to humanity.

Let us not enumerate our sorrows
Nor constantly reflect on our happiness
Let us step up to take action:
Our duty is to do good to humanity.

Let us sail over oceans of misery,
Let us scale mountains of difficulty.
While roaming through the jungle of adversity,
Our duty is to do good to humanity.

Be it a dense forest of extreme darkness
Or surrounded by kith and kin
When we travel these paths,
Our duty remains – to do good to humanity.

यह भी पढ़ें


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  3. मनसा सततं स्मरणीयम्
    वचसा सततं वदनीयम्
    लोकहितं मम करणीयम् ॥ ॥ लोकहितं ॥

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